I just started buying soda sweetened with stevia. And my local supermarket just stopped carrying it

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I just started buying soda sweetened with stevia. And my local supermarket just stopped carrying it

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Robyn appreciate all your info and input! I'm also currently watching


good stuff!!!

There's no way I can eat fake lab grown food either filled with GMO corn and soy. I wouldn’t be able to function on that frankenfood. We try and buy our meats from local ranchers as much as possible and we grow veggies outside and now growing greens inside too on my Farmstand Nook. We also have never gotten a flu shot or any of the deadly covid shots and we stay away from traditional medical doctors and prescriptions as much as possible and we are in our 70's. I love using stevia and we've even grown and dried it to use but recently it came up on my food allergy test showing sensitivity. Dang! So I use it sparingly and use maple syrup, honey, or just organic coconut sugar.


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read that list of side effects! they're alluding to anything and everything that could be potential vaxx-injuries to confuse the masses just like they blame global warming for everything. They're trying to normalize severe illness on anything but the jabbs. Like the pfarma corrupted 'heart association' advertizing how common heart events are now and strokes'... exactly same tactics as the titan sub--nothing to see here folks, look over here. The amazing thing, the jabbed zealots will argue till the cows come home about ANY cause other than pfarma jabs....it's amazing the self-delusion of narcissism. Those with 'entitlement' mentality that spewed hate at the 'anti vxxrs' got what they wished for, they were entitled...they got taken advantage of by satan. It's why Jesus major example was ...humility and calm and peace, NOT chaos and rushing and fear and name-calling mob-mentality nazi acting BS. Interesting article I read lately said that "entitlement" is the single most damaging factor in relationships"! That is what Obama unleashed on the masses--entitlement, let me be gay b/c i feel different...let me be trans b/c I hate myself...let me be 'protected' with jabbs...let me act lawless--I hate the cops b/c they're singling me out b/c i'm black, medical insurance is MY basic human right (entitlement....those ppl were better off without murderous'Obamacare' remdesivir/ventilators)...'my body my choice' isn't really about abortion, it's 'entitlement mentality' and is damaging to EVERYONE. It is a soul killer and reciprocal love killer.

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good stuff!!!

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