Why is mainstream media suddenly everywhere telling you ASPARTAME (NutraSweet, Equal) is deadly?
Well, it’s not for your “safety and protection.” You have to research and observe how Big Food works, for decades, to figure this out. It’s not like the media will tell you about this.
We have actually known for decades that aspartame is deadly. The evidence is massive and undeniable.
Neurological disorders and symptoms and cancer occur often, most notably, in those who consume neurotoxins regularly.
They drive an old synthetic sweetener off the market via consumer sentiment, sometimes using manipulated studies, when it’s losing its patent and when the industry wants to bring you its new synthetic patented sweetener.
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Patented fake sweeteners make some powerful companies billions of dollars on new fake-sweetened ingredients and foods.
There’s also a big media push to disparage more natural sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit.
Read the actual articles. Click the links. Pay attention and use your critical thinking skills. What you’ll see is:
There’s no actual proof that stevia and monk fruit are bad for you. They’re processed, and eating a piece of fruit is obviously better, for your “sweet tooth.” But by themselves, there’s no evidence stevia or monk fruit cause problems, and have been used for 100+ years as sweeteners.
In recent years, they’ve been putting stevia in blends with the sugar alcohols. (Stevia: safe. Sugar alcohols: not safe. That’s why you get gas, bloat, or a bellyache.) So it appears to me that they put a harmful sweetener with a non-harmful one, and then did studies blaming both sweeteners for health problems.
A few decades ago, they drove saccharin off the market to make way for aspartame.
I’m not saying saccharin is great, but they did studies feeding rats exponentially more of it than any human would ever eat.
To prove it was bad. To get you to eat aspartame instead.
I believed the lie in college and consumed aspartame. I had trans-ischemic attacks (TIA, mini strokes), migraines, and vertigo.
I would fall off the sidewalk walking to class. I got sick over and over. When I felt a migraine coming on, I had to take a hardcore painkiller and get in bed, within 10 minutes, or my right arm would go numb, and I couldn’t speak, or see very well. I’d sleep for 4 or 5 hours in the middle of the day.
When I felt the migraine and TIA coming on, I’d have to get someone to tend my little children, fast. I knew in a matter of minutes, I wouldn’t be capable of it.
In college, I was also eating ramen noodles to try to survive on $10/week. Monosodium glutamate is another horrible neurotoxin.
I gave both of them up when I learned better, and all those horrible symptoms disappeared and have never returned. I have literally never had a headache for decades.
Many people have terrible symptoms for many years, not realizing what causes them. So often, people just accept symptoms as some kind of “normal,” especially since everybody they know has various diagnoses and symptoms, too.
But it’s not normal. It’s common, but it’s not normal. Luckily, it’s also not necessary! To have strange neurological and auto-immune problems.
I fought my children’s father in a legal mediation as he fed my kids processed foods containing neurotoxins and my youngest began having terrible neurological symptoms that he called “daytime nightmares” behind his eyes. He was only 9 years old.
I lost the mediation. Even though a pediatrician in my neighborhood had armed me with 65 pages of research linking my son’s issues to neurotoxins in food only his father fed him.
I took the 65 pages of research to mediation. The judge tried. The ex-husband didn’t budge, just wanted to win.
Expect more of the same in the artificial sweeteners war–new toxic concoctions that may make you sick and it may take you years of misery to figure it out.
So it’s best to just avoid neurotoxins. Here’s a short video I did, that tells you what the most common neurotoxins are, found in many processed foods. I made a free wallet card for you, so that you know the clever ways that food manufacturers have re-named the neurotoxins so you don’t spot them in ingredient lists.
If you haven’t heard me say it this week, the more you can discover delicious combinations of whole organic plant foods, the better, as in:
1. Greens
2. Vegetables
3. Fruits
4. Legumes
5. Whole grains
6. Nuts
7. Seeds
8. Herbs and spices
I enjoy my food now as much as I did then. And I rarely eat processed foods, nor anything injected with a vaccine, or fed antibiotics and steroids (all of those concentrate in the animal’s flesh or excretions or ovulatory products).
I don’t eat animals that are raised in the low vibrations of misery and suffering.
Yes, grass-fed beef is better for you than grain-fed, but all those animals are vaccinated, and I do mean all, unless you raised it yourself.
Nothing I have accomplished would have been possible if I hadn’t made the whole-foods transition. I was fat, sick and nearly dead. Here’s to better things for you, too!
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read that list of side effects! they're alluding to anything and everything that could be potential vaxx-injuries to confuse the masses just like they blame global warming for everything. They're trying to normalize severe illness on anything but the jabbs. Like the pfarma corrupted 'heart association' advertizing how common heart events are now and strokes'... exactly same tactics as the titan sub--nothing to see here folks, look over here. The amazing thing, the jabbed zealots will argue till the cows come home about ANY cause other than pfarma jabs....it's amazing the self-delusion of narcissism. Those with 'entitlement' mentality that spewed hate at the 'anti vxxrs' got what they wished for, they were entitled...they got taken advantage of by satan. It's why Jesus major example was ...humility and calm and peace, NOT chaos and rushing and fear and name-calling mob-mentality nazi acting BS. Interesting article I read lately said that "entitlement" is the single most damaging factor in relationships"! That is what Obama unleashed on the masses--entitlement, let me be gay b/c i feel different...let me be trans b/c I hate myself...let me be 'protected' with jabbs...let me act lawless--I hate the cops b/c they're singling me out b/c i'm black, medical insurance is MY basic human right (entitlement....those ppl were better off without murderous'Obamacare' remdesivir/ventilators)...'my body my choice' isn't really about abortion, it's 'entitlement mentality' and is damaging to EVERYONE. It is a soul killer and reciprocal love killer.
Robyn appreciate all your info and input! I'm also currently watching
good stuff!!!
There's no way I can eat fake lab grown food either filled with GMO corn and soy. I wouldn’t be able to function on that frankenfood. We try and buy our meats from local ranchers as much as possible and we grow veggies outside and now growing greens inside too on my Farmstand Nook. We also have never gotten a flu shot or any of the deadly covid shots and we stay away from traditional medical doctors and prescriptions as much as possible and we are in our 70's. I love using stevia and we've even grown and dried it to use but recently it came up on my food allergy test showing sensitivity. Dang! So I use it sparingly and use maple syrup, honey, or just organic coconut sugar.