so this is just testing it. ? or not? for what you think?

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Thanks Robyn, I will be shutting down all my tech stuff and letting my family know.(whether they believe me is another matter)

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sad thing is FEMA is just about as trusted as the FDA or FBI or CIA or Brandon or our govt. So only the Karens will be notified of the propaganda msg's when needed. What a waste of time for those who will immediately know the govt is full of sh*T. I see no repair to the trust lost during the mass jabb campaign of bodily damage and outright tyranny

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Thanks for this. Apart from whatever changes in electromagnic frequencies, an alarm is an alarm-- it's meant be alarming! Last year I was traveling, alone in a house, when a city-wide alarm went off, this incredibly loud blare going off inside the house when I had no idea what it was-- it wasn't a fire alarm, I knew that much-- it just about about gave me a heart attack. It took me a while to figure out that it had been coming my smartphone, and it didn't have anything to do with my house, nor my need to go anywhere. And it really pissed me off that the government would do such an intrusive thing. But, you know, some schmo who had the power to do it decided it was important. (Kind of like, governor of NM gets upset, so she revokes the Constitution. Kind of like oh, how about Biden and the experimental performative virtue cooties juice mandates.)

Seriously, a lot of people, especially elderly, who don't know about this will be traumatized just by the sudden shock of the loud sound.

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Ok, I shared it and wowza! Not everyone believes you have an honest, pure heart that wants to help others. And per norm - they are slamming without even “knowing” you. But, you are use to it, I know.

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What are they broadcasting? And who are "they"?

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thank you!

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