I actually do like RFK jr. I've followed him for years and have seen him speak live. I have two problems with him. First, he is not for the second amendment and has, in the past stated this as fact. The other is that he is a climate change pusher. In 2014, I believe it was, he stated that he felt those who do not do what is "required" regarding climate issues should be jailed. I realize we need different people but I think we need to be careful. We need to look at all issues. We cannot vote on feelings. Where does he stand on all the other issues being forced on us? I'm leary of jumping on a bandwagon because something looks like it an awesome choice.

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like you, I bet, I've read the books disputing it. and have major doubts. however, the ocean has eroded 80% of the dune that disappeared in two hurricanes at my beach homes, in just 6 weeks. a $50M project. our homes are again in jeopardy. the ocean used to be literally 50 feet further from the homes. anyway, I don't have all the answers, but I'm not sure there isn't some truth on BOTH sides, and I don't think you'll find ANY "climate change" in his speech nor any "environmentalism" in his environmental achievements you wouldn't stand up and cheer for. and I think he isn't likely to win--just to maybe get a lot of awareness about the issues the other candidates are mealy-mouthed about. especially medical freedom; he's an old-school liberal.

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I would love to see Trump and him together as President and VP. That would be the very best team in my opinion! No one is perfect except God... but they both have great ideas and for them to come together would be wonderful! It had never happened in history I don’t think and this would be great! Both as Independents. Not left or right... just for us all... our America !

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Thank you so much for this, Robyn! I have always been a Democrat when there are only too choices, but they are usually too right wing for me. I will be very happy to vote for RFK Jr., and I pray that he will win. I fear that Democrats see him as a crazy Republican and Republicans see him as a crazy Democrat... May all sides unite behind him!

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I have been both actually all 3 ...Democrat (JFK) , Independent (Perot, Ron Paul) Republican ( Ron Reagan, Trump) Did not like any Bushs or trust them at all! Neither Obama or Clinton’s ... it’s been a rough last 20+ yrs!

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A great post with awesome links, Robyn! Our country has so many problems now that I hope others—like you—will be willing to look at all candidates and not dismiss any in the blanket way Never Trumper Republicans voted for Joe. RFK Jr. is, I believe, not running out of ego (or to enrich his family members) but out of a compulsion to bring hope and a better future to all of us. He just might be the only candidate who has a chance of mitigating the divisiveness in this country.

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Hi Robyn, Thank you for this. And thank you also for posting your 2019 interview with RFK Jr with (yay!) your transcript:


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I won’t waste my vote on someone I don’t think will win...and I do t want to take a chance on someone that is corrupt or can hurt our country...I’m going to stay Right this time again!

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There is no way I would ever vote democrat. Their party, even if his speech is enticing on one item, stands for many things that go against the word of God and they are pushing and supporting agendas that continually are not healthy for our society. I am almost always in agreement with your messages Robyn, but on this one I would respectfully disagree.

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did you listen to his speech?

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Not yet, intend to but does that matter really? Is he against abortion? Does he believe marriage is between a man and a woman? Does he believe there are just 2 genders? Will he fight against sex change operations for minors? Will he fight against men competing against women in sporting events? Will he fight against voter fraud? Does he believe we should be energy independent? Will he fight for small

Business? Will he close the southern border? Will he clean up the FBI, CIA, the fed, fcc and protect free speech and be against censorship? Will he fight against us buying batteries for cars that are made by countries where children and adults are poisoned by the mining of the materials? Will he end energy credit to big businesses like Tesla and others? Was that in his speech?

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Thank you! Excellent analysis of his amazing speech! Pray for him and the USA!

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Hi Robyn, have you heard of Dr Vashiva? Truth, health, freedom movement? He is running for President as an independent. He was talking about collusion of big tech and government and safety of masks and vaccines 2 years before Robert Kennedy. Please check him out.

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He is good and many of them have good ideas but the one that has the most potential to help our country and has been through it already is Trump...he is on top of the Most Important things that need to be done to keep America safe ! He’s will not lay back and be Mr Nice Guy this time with Democraps and corruption... he will go full force to destroy them!

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**He wants the elimination of poisoning, sickening, and even killing our children with pharmaceutical products where in some states, there are no longer any exemptions for objecting parents. He wants nothing less than the end of the public-private partnership between government entities and public companies.**

But it's ok to kill babies in the womb before they are born and even after? Pro Choice is Pro choice no matter what anyone says. It's a slippery slope just like when the Obamas lit the WH up in rainbow and legalized gay marriage... now look at what they are throwing in our faces every single day with the trans ideology being spread throughout schools and companies!

There's no way he would ever get the evangelical vote because of this one issue. Just like anti-vaxx is a ONE issue with people on the fence of what God say's is right. It's not surprising that Catholics and Mormons would agree with Kennedy's views. Praying not to get caught up in that snare. I voted Democrat years ago and the last time was Clinton in the 90's and then my beliefs and my life changed. Personally, I cannot back down from what the Holy Spirit teaches and guides me to do. When we have the Holy Spirit guiding us it's just natural to do what God says is right. Sadly when I was in my 20's I didn't have that and made some huge life altering mistakes that can never be taken back! By the grace of God I was forgiven and changed forever!

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