I watch AND WE KNOW on Rumble almost every day. LT shares stories of jab victims every day and has thousands more in his files. He says some people don't like.to see.them but this is truth and we need to know. I highly recommend listening to his shows and so much truth he shares. Thank you, Robyn, for your proactive life in so many truths and courage to share them!

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I just listened to RFK Jr speaking about our broken healthcare system, vaccine mandates, big pharma control, etc., with a health policy panel yesterday. This is the first time I've actually listened to a Democrat political candidate speaking in years! Very interesting! Praying for his and all their safety for speaking the truth.

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The Vaccines

Dissolve Cells.

The Vaccinated

Are Dissolving.


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Relatedly-- from 2021:


posted August 28, 2021.

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This video depicts a teenaged girl whose mouth is covered with what looks like a large bandage, sitting at a table and holding up pieces of paper, one in turn, each part of a message from her mother, who is a registered geriatric nurse in Australia.


My mum has been a registered nurse since 1994

She has had extensive experience working in many different areas, ICU, maternity, oncology, district nursing, paediatrics, coronary care, theatre and taught nursing at university

She now works in Aged Care in Melbourne and loves her job.

Since this pandemic started, the facility she works at have had no one become sick or die from 'Covid 19.'

Nearly all 120 residents have been vaccinated with the Pfizer "Comirnaty" coronavirus vaccine.

10-15% of her residents have had severe adverse reactions or have died from the vaccine. CVAs "CerebroVascular Accidents" "Strokes"

Extensive deep vein thrombosis

Purpuric whole body rashes

Shingles breakouts

Sudden unexpected death

Obvious overall health decline - > death

None of these reactions were reported by their doctors or by the facility manager

My mum reported all of these to the TGA in her own time, requesting anonymity due to fear of retribution

My mum cannot speak out because the nurses governing body "AHPRA"

Has gagged all health care workers from speaking against government recommendations

AHPRA is threatening loss of registration to work in their profession if caught


These vaccines are dangerous

These vaccines are injuring people

These vaccines are killing people

And now our children are being subjected to these experimental vaccines

(Yes... this worldwide vaccine rollout is a trial, due to finish in 2023-2025)

Our children, that have next to ZERO chance of dying of Covid 19

These vaccines DO NOT stop infection

These vaccines DO NOT stop virus transmission

To expect herd immunity from these two facts is INSANE

Side effects and deaths from these coronavirus vaccines are not being taken seriously

are not being appropriately reported

and are being dismissed as coincidental

Thousands of doctors, researchers, epidemiologists, nurses, are being CENSORED WORLDWIDE



Do not trust your government

They are hiding the truth from you

Do not trust mainstream media

They are hiding the truth from you

This pandemic is not about health and safety

This is political...

These lockdowns need to stop...

Worldwide pandemic preparedness plans have never included lockdowns

Lockdowns are destroying lives

Suicide rates have dramatically increased

Drug and alcohol use significantly increased

There have been delays in preventative health screening and treatment

Domestic violence and family breakdowns have increased

The psychological impact on society is HUGE

Not to mention the huge financial impacts on individuals and families...


I beg of you

Get off Facebook and YouTube

Stop watching mainstream TV

Go to "telegram" "bitchute" or "signal"

Listen to the silenced

Listen for the truth

Trust your intuition

Health does not come from the end of a needle

Boost your immune systems

Eat a variety of organic fresh foods -- avoid sugar and processed fake food

Get fresh air, sunshine, and exercise every day

And FFS, take off those stupid bloody masks!!


that proves community mask wearing does anything to stop you from catching a virus


If you value yours, your families and your childrens lives

Do. Not. Touch. This. Vaccine.


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Also from 2021:

Laura Kaczmarski on her Husband Danny's Precipitous Decline and Death After Moderna Jabs

"But it got to the point where he just slept. All he did was sleep."



Episode 10 of Health Freedom for Humanity’s newest podcast series, Voices of The Victims.

This episode features Laura Kaczmarski, a recent widow who shares the story of her late husband who received one of the CVD shots.

Nov 24, 2021


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Yet another from 2021:


These two clips are from a single original livestream video recording.



MARVA PESCHIER: Good night everyone. I am Marva Peschier. I came to tell the whole world what people is doing to the nations of the world. My son took the vaccine on Friday this week. On Friday night he fell off his bed with a massive stroke with bleeding in his head. He was bleeding. He was bleeding from in his brains. This afternoon I went down to the hospital in Mt. Hope and they pronounce him dead. I am sending a message to Mr. Prime Minister Rowley and I am telling you to stop this nonsense because it's killing people. It's killing people and you are lying and saying that the thing is not killing nobody but people are dying every single day.

People, people, take heed! My son is dead because he took the vaccine. He dead, he dead. [lamentations in the background] They're lying, they're lying, they're lying. I'm from Trinidad and Tobago and I am speaking about the lies that the people are telling you. [in the background, screaming and crying] My son is dead! He's dead! He took the vaccine. He took the vaccine and he died in the two days' time. People here lying to you all I'm telling you.

Share this live*, share it to the world, let the world know that it's time for us to come out and speak the truth, speak the truth and speak it ever. They are killing us! People of Trinidad and Tobago, people of the Caribbean, I'm begging you all, people over the world, stop this nonsense because it is killing people! It is killing people! The people that the healths, I'm giving this message to the Health Department of the world and all the people who took time to put this thing together and know that the vaccines are killing people. My son is dead. Can I get him back? God, vengeance belongs to God, people.





MARVA PESCHIER: [clip begins about halfway through the above-mentioned video, repeating everything there to the conclusion of that clip, then continuing]:


God, vengeance belongs to God, people. I will pray and I will pray and I will press it and kingdom come. Listen to what I am saying, people. I now came from the hospital. I now came from the hospital. My son is dead. He's dead. He's dead with bleeding in his brains and blood clot. And the vaccine give him blood clot in his head and kill him! He didn't sick at all. People! People! Take warning. Take warning. Take warning. Take warning. This is all I have to say. This is all I have to say. And I'm asking you all to share this live. Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya. Share this live! And let them know! And I'm telling people not to take this vaccine I don't care, I am telling all don't take the vaccine, it killing people! It kill my son and now going I'm bury him. Look, he died! And now came from Mt. Hope died. He died. I want you all to pray for me and my family. God bless you all in Jesus name.


# # #


*"live" refers to this livestreamed video. According to Jeremy Porter in his article "Trinidad Pastor Mourns Death of Son," RedVoicemedia.com October 5, 2021, this was a FaceBook Live video recorded September 18, 2021.


FaceBook removed it.

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Yet another from 2021:




August 6 , 1970 - April 10, 2021

Age 51


EX-HUSBAND: This is the message I received on the morning of April 10th. [screenshot of text message] It just says "help." I rushed up to my ex-wife's house, Stephanie Wasil, to find her on the floor struggling to survive.

Our daughter was there as well. We rushed her to the hospital and after close to four hours of fighting to keep her alive with the medical professionals there, I lost the mother of my little girls.

She will never get to see their children, she'll never get to watch them get married, walk down the aisle, hold their hand. She'll never get to text them and ask how they are each day.

She was a wonderful, beautiful person, a helper to everyone. She was my business partner, in a way my best friend, my helper. My wife of 11 years.

I'm so sad that she got caught in this trap about taking these vaccines when she just wanted to be free from all the pressure from her school telling her, you know, to go get the vaccine! Everyone's doing it. Let us know when you get the vaccine, look at all the people who've gotten the vaccine! They sent out all these flowery messages.

She was so worried about traveling. She wanted to just have everything be over. And this monster [inaudible] came into our house and stole away my wife— my ex-wife, but she was still my wife in my heart.

I miss you every day Stephanie. I love you. I'll see you soon.

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