I can't thank you enough for sharing this approach to alcohol and the book recommendation. I bought it right away and it is amazing! It makes me angry that I fell for so many lies. I support a lot of writers on Substack by being a member. But I haven't supported you yet. I just joined so that I could thank you and also to support you. I did your Green Smoothie Girl 26 day detox in January and I loved it. But the alcohol....I had no problem following the detox protocol and didn't drink alcohol (or caffeinated drinks or eat the no-nos) but less than 2 days after I finished it I opened a bottle of wine and got back to my daily habit. I'm only 4 days in to not being someone who drinks alcohol....I am hopeful that I have permanently lost my desire to drink.

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Thank you so much. I blocked and reported them. I hope they can do something about this one. He is very experienced.

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Just ordered on Audible.

Alcohol has been the center of my social life, and my family’s, for as long as I can remember.

Not gonna lie, it’s been SO fun and funny at times, but the long-term health effects are starting to show. Now I want to learn about making a change.

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Here's some learning for ya...I saved this article when it first came out and have shared it with many.


"Get ready to be mind blown, disgusted, pissed, and converted by the end of this post. I’m talking all about natural v. conventional wine and it’s about to get REAL. Let me first start by saying, anyone who knows me, knows I’m no stranger to a good cab franc, cab sab, malbec… heck, I’ll even throw merlot in there because I’m inclusive like that. But let’s take a minute and talk about what’s going on, and in, that bottle of wine we pick up at the corner packie. In the US, wine producers can use up to 76 different additives in wine without disclosing any of them on the bottle. SEVENTY SIX. And I’m not talking about salt..."

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This is my own research on the whole wine/toxins story,. And when I did the "deep dive," I wasn't a marketer of wine (I never have been), as Dry Farms is. Not that I want to disparage Dry Farms, but I know several health and wellness influencers who are heavy drinkers, who make good money getting people on Dry Farms' monthly auto-ship programs, and that's why they publish this--when you are reading something about wine, by a marketer of wine, you need your best critical thinking skills with you. So, my article there is written as someone who is objective, and I said no thank you, when Dry Farms pitched me on promoting for them.

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I hear ya. It’s so cultural. I have been realizing last year or two … I’m not really sure I’m actually having fun because I had a couple drinks. What if I’m actually having LESS fun?

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So great, Robyn!

What I love about Annie Grace's approach is that it's not a binary "disease" model (you're either incurably sick for life, or you have no problem).

Because plenty of people would be far healthier and happier without it, but the 12-step model doesn't apply.

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Good points. I don’t have a disease whatsoever. But still felt called to just … stop. Stopping is so much easier than moderating.

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I think your identity has been stolen on Telegram. You show up twice and someone is representing yo but being very aggressive.

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I am sorry. Every day people tell me this. Mess with them! Ask them where I was born. It’s Provo utah

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It's not identity theft. It's trolls or bots or whatever. They're constant in Telegram, and Robyn can't do anything about them.

I've gotten dozens from "Robyn," and others tell her the same thing, all the time. It happens in many of my groups.

Just click Block and Report.

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