Please note the article was updated after publishing to include a link about the Holodomor, which was missing in the original version. We apologize for any inconvenience. Here's the link to the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr5WkhEiqcY&t=1s

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Just listen to your latest vibe podcast. Yeah, agree with you completely. I now believe in conspiracy theories and I heard 9/11 the Pentagon was being audited for 1 trillion missing and the audit firms evidence happened to be located in one of those buildings that no longer exists. And I agree, history has been selectively taught to the US population.

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This was a good scratch of the surface. Go down one rabbit hole, another is always found and down we go... I've spent this entire time of Covid researching in every spare minute. I stopped watching television or mainstream news once I learned about how far-reaching MKUltra is. Thank you so much for red-pilling so many people!!! A good place to go for further research is to watch the series called Fall Cabal by Janet Ossebaard(sp?). When done with that then look for her Sequel series. I think episode 26 or 28 just was released (Bitchute?). Also, the documentary Out of Shadows is excellent. Sadly, there is so much more to the wickedness going on in the world. But, there is hope! So much is happening behind the scenes to take down the Khazarian mafia worldwide that runs the world. Because the MSM is involved (90% owned by Blackrock), they don't dare report the truths so no one knows what is REALLY happening. Alternative news sources are the only place to find the truth. Telegram and Truth Social are the two I follow. There's Some great autists out there that are brilliant putting two and two together. Good things are right around the corner!

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As always we are slow learners. Our founders designed our government anticipating the decline of truth in big government. Our Constitution has been slowly modified to facilitate the slide into a government focused on the manipulation of the masses. Our youth have been brainwashed to trust what is untrustworthy and it’s going to be hard to turn the ship around. 😞

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Thank you for pulling this all together, so well and with raw emotion. I think we will all remember that moment when we realized how much we’ve been lied to, in so many directions. My entrance into the rabbit hole was when I learned about Monsanto‘s evil business dealings in a business ethics class. The spiderweb has just grown bigger from there.

It’s difficult to let go what we’ve trusted for many years, and even more difficult to talk to those who still believe in the system that has betrayed us. Another area of deceit has been in the area of Alzheimer’s disease. I recently shared some alternative resources for healing, and hope in this area. 



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I’ll take the truth, please. I’ve listened to them all-everyone pushing an agenda other than the trend. They all have a degree of truth in some form. Being an avid researcher on all things health related, I was already open to the idea of the evil that existed to harm us. But, come spring 2020 I had know idea the info that came knocking on my door would leave me sobbing daily. That was the true beginning to my red-pill awakening. I’ve learned so much in the past 2 1/2+ years since then. I believe most people now have at least an idea that the world is “off” even if they don’t know any more than that. An event will soon bring us together, on a level playing field, allowing us to create a future greater than we could fathom. Until then, I will practice being kind to all and remembering that it is always about the children, for THEY are our future.

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Robin, I am right there with you, but was probably right between your husband’s timeline and yours…

About a year ago, I watched an amazing 9/11 documentary, done by a woman who has been ridiculed to no end about her PROOF that contradicts the narrative. It was so compelling, and I want to watch it again, but can’t find it. Do you know of any centralized resources on the topic? Thank you!

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Hi, Kristen, I don't know about a centralized resource (there are SOOOO many), but this article by Rhoda Wilson looks rich - I just searched "9/11" in The Expose UK's Telegram group and scrolled very quickly through the 200+ results and picked one ... for you. I'll have to add it to my list to listen to as well (you can listen to any Expose article). They publish some of the best and most credible "truth" journalism out there.


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Robin, it could be that you're awakening began before, during and after you discovered the lies about medicine and health during your healing journey. There was a time in my life where I only looked in certain areas for lies. Somewhere along the way. I realized that lies are usually involved in everything around the world. Even the lies about covid, the vaccines(all of them), diseases and everything else continues to this day.

I've heard hints recently that there's been talk of bringing back the mask wearing mandates. I hear too that some bodies are insinuating that the unvaccinated who don't wear masks are causing the covid jabbed to catch covid. However, those people aren't being told that their covid jabs have more likely turned their bodies into disease centers. Neither will they be told that the toxic pills and injections contribute to bad health. Neither will they be told by the mainstream about doctors, treatments or substances that could heal them. Or at least improve their quality of life.

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