Still navigating it with youngest in college. But I'm opening a new health and wellness clinic. So there's that!

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ThankYOU, Robyn! so timely! I had just come in from outside - crying - as I was picking up missed dog poo- missing my 25 y.o. dtr. & her dog; just moved them both into her college apt. 6 hrs. away! It does go by way-too fast .... GodBless all our dear "little ones"!

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Thank you Robyn! I am new to Florida and am struggling with my “purpose”. I did follow my daughter and family, so I have them here, but I know there is more but just don’t know what.

Your post gave me courage to try and find out!

Funny, we were in St. Augustine a few days after New Years. The lights were beautiful; Florida, I found, goes all out at Christmas! 😊

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Cross-posted! This was sooo good, Robyn. And I forwarded it to a friend (previous coworker) who is NOW going through the empty nest syndrome with his wife. I know it can feel overwhelming and sort of creepy (when the house is too quiet)! I went through it twice because my two children left, and then came back a couple years later, stayed a few more years and then left again--well, I supposed I pushed them out the second time, when I met and later married my third (and current) love-of-my-life husband! Ha! We've been happily married for nearly twenty years and my 'children' are productive grown adults now in their 40s--one with three children and we love them dearly. We live far apart though, us in Florida and the grands in New England (NH). Thanks for the informative post! Loved the visual of you leading the Mormon missionaries in song!

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Timely and beautifully written, as always, Robyn! My youngest is a sophomore in HS, so I’m already starting to plan ahead for my/out life in the Empty Nest! My goal is to fill the weeks and months with lots of travel and volunteer work, God-willing. Amen, sistah!!

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SO TRUE! I couldn't agree more! Love, love, love, the encouragement and inspiration❣️ Thank you, Robyn 🤗💖 ~A *ever growing into the more I learn who I am and my purpose unfolds in Jesus daily* happy homemaker married for 44 years, stay at home homeschooling mom of 6 adults and 15 grandchildren daily discovering along side my best friend, all that life has to unfold. Very thankful for each season of life. (even though I still wrestled for a short period of time when I was done educating them, wondering what my purpose was until the realization that daily my purpose unfolds like it always has, just with different jobs.) 💞

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