I just started Robin's structured water challenge yesterday! Sleep was great last night and that is rare these days! Can't wait to see more results!

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May 10Edited

I will say a huge Keto youtube doc says drink when you are thirsty...NOT the 8 glass BS we've heard. You really flush out too many of your minerals/salt/mag etc peeing so damn much. Your body should tell you, but how many ppl are in tune with their bodies/heart/mind?? most have never fasted so they could learn what hunger or thirst really feels like. There is a lot going on when you are in low carb ketosis...I have learned the secret to supplements for that AND when fasting...so much easier if you make sure to add electrolytes...easy peasy

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I was born in 1966. High school btw 1980-1985. Track team, gymnastic team ect. No one carried a water bottle around. Never heard the words “keep hydrated!” Did not drink water with your meals ( water down the acids in your stomach). Gave us milk or ginger tea that you sipped on. Or started with a soup.

No one walk around with any kind of fluid or food. Sat down to eat/drink. Used the water fountain in public buildings(before fluoridation). Didn’t worry about germs and noone “caught” anything either. Another myth: we don’t catch diseases, we developed them. Imbalances, toxic load, depleted reserves ect. Complex puzzle.

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See Dr. Tom Cowan. He gets to the bottom of things. Read Cells,Gels and the Engines of life by Harold Pollack.

If you want structured water from a machine, get a Kangen water machine. The ones from Japan. Not the little portable ones that are the rage in social media. Or put a few drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide in your filtered water.

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