Gold just went over $2k

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I’ll just say I know very little about bitcoin. We dabbled in crypto briefly and lost it all. As far as we could tell it’s backed by nothing. Nothing is actually worth anything. What is bitcoin backed by? NFT’s aren’t worth anything unless someone is willing to purchase it and drive the price up. Honestly art is the same. Art is worth what someone is willing to pay for it and if enough people want it and are willing to pay the price for it then the price goes up. I’ve heard bitcoin is bad and bitcoin is good. What is the average person without a lot of money supposed to believe? Invest and loose it all? Then what? Idk.

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My unanswered question is what happens when you need a health passport and/or implant granting you internet access to engage with ANY crypto (aka digital currency), all of which will likely be tied to social credit score? Aren't they all equally vulnerable to a grid down scenario??

Genuine question so if anyone can point me in the direction of the answer, much obliged.

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I hope the readers are more awake. The REAL depositors were the cartels and they were tipped off to pull their money stat. This is why they printed more to cover it up and like everything else happening it will eventually be revealed. Spoiler alert: this was an international money laundering op gone bad. Look deeper. OR continue to pander and add to the Fed narrative.

Only when we start having real conversation about the real facts, ugly and unbelievable as they may be, will there be a shred of hope for the future.

PS the FDIC does NOT have the money in reserves to make more than a single digit percentage of depositors whole, and for the first in line it can take a year or longer- hope you are okay with getting "restitution" in the form of cbdc if at all!

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When I try to have these conversations or those related to the jabs, they run, even good people. Just had it happen 10 min ago. And I wasn’t even taking about the forbidden jabs, I was trying to explain CBDC. An the collapse of Credit Suisse being huge. He literally is a nice dude. But almost immed walked over and joined a “happy” conversation.

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Just chatted over the phone with the ONLY friend who understands and sees big picture (she is in Insurance) and she lamented the same. We agreed it is long past time to stop trying to educate and instead put our energies into building our new communities and solutions to function and survive all that is already upon us- by the time any more Normie's shake off their slumber, the quicksand will have swallowed them up to their masks so there is no saving those who insist on complying with criminals. Whatever they need to do to remain self absorbed in a fruitless search for immediate gratification and "good feels" is on them. They are an affront to humanity IMHO.

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