Excellent analysis Robyn!

Thank you for bringing common sense - which is anything BUT common these days - back to the public discourse!

It's never ceases to amaze me how unbelievably gullible we are... collectively, as a culture.

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Brilliant article! Amazing talent for communicating truths we need to hear.

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My 9 yr old daughter is always constipated. Since birth. We've tried different fiber supplements, miralax, oatmeal, chia seeds. She's a tuff cookie and refuses almost everything. Any recommendations? Or a good supplement?

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There can of course be different causes for that. I learned about one of them the hard way, being born with a colon abnormality known as "redundant colon". It apparently can run in families, and my father once said that I might have a "kink in the gut", so it appears that he knew something about this, although he never elaborated. I remember repeated trips to the doctor and horrible tasting pink medicine in my early years. And when I was 5, my mother complained to me about how much I had cried when I was younger!

My ascending colon overgrew where it meets the transverse, folding and creating a partial obstruction. It was finally identified when I was 67 years old. Once I understood what the problem was I experimented with dietary adjustments and improved things considerably. The main thing has been the right amount of fiber, not too little and not too much, soluble and insoluble, from plants not supplements. No bran. No carnivore diet -- that was the worst mistake I made.

No medical help or interventions, either, although I have a remote doctor that knows about it and leaves it to me to work out what's best.

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Is there a fiber (supplement) source you would recommend?

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Consider adding green smoothies to your diet and you may benefit from taking a probiotic. You can learn more here: https://greensmoothiegirl.com/probiotics-benefits/

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