"a PhD physicist from India, did a media survey in 2020 and found 700 local-media stories about one individual vaccine death."

Ah ha! Perhaps unsurprisingly, in the wake of 9/11 the msm mentions of the word "terrorism" sky-rocketed. In the wake of the rollout, the media reports mentioning SADS have probably also sky-rocketed, & it's likely only a matter of time before a proper study is peer reviewed & published on the matter. We all know that sudden deaths have sky-rocketed, we don't need statisticians to study it & media to report it, we already know. But they love their media & their stats so, perhaps the work should be done so that it can be shown to those in authority &/or the media who are still supporting the flawed & collapsing safe-&-effective narrative.

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We are 70 and 72 and never had a flu shot and no jabs! My husband is 72 and works out at Camp Gladiator 4 days a week with people in their 20's and 30's!

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Our 57 year old next door neighbor got the jab because she said she's overweight and her elderly mom lives with her. Not she if she got a booster. So now we find out she has a blood clot! Of course the doctors put her on blood thinners. Soon as my husband told me she had a blood clot I knew it was from that jab! 🙄

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I do not buy anything they say!

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I clicked on the Mayo Clinic doctor link. It goes to YouTube. The guy is a quack. Speaks with an authoritative voice and provides no evidence to back up his claims. Merely quotes the CDC that is mostly funded by Big Pharma. Says, "Risk is extremely low." Provides no number. I see odds as low as 1 in 40 for myocarditis in young males. The quack recommends the ineffective flu shots even if you are a SADS patient. What? Get the flu shot even if you are dead!??? What part of "Sudden Adult DEATH Syndrome" does this quack not understand? Even Fauci admitted the flu shots are mostly ineffective and have not improved in decades.

Surprise, surprise, surprise. Comments have been turned off at YouTube.

Before you ever go there, be aware that the Mayo Clinic fired all non-vaccinated employees. Those that remain are the true covidians. Watch that video for 10 seconds to see those cold dead eyes. The stationary posture. Other stuff from Mayo says this guy is likely real but that stationary posture is consistent with an AI generated video. Is there a difference between Artificial Intelligence and a brainwashed idiot?

Well yes, the AI is smarter.

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i m 46 years old. never had any health problems ever. i ve always played sports, work out and have been pretty fit my entire life. had my yearly physical in nov of 2019 and everything was great. may of 2020 i got vaccinated against my will. go to my physical at the end of october like I always do and my blood pressure was through the roof. Immedidately put on bp meds. fast forward to March of 2022 and out of the clear blue i had a stroke. I ve never been a drug user, will drink socially, and have always kept my self in pretty good shape. I learned alot those 6 days i was in the hospital. All they want to do is give you pills and shots. Thank you for writing this article. I have 2 friends with 19 year old daughters that have had strokes. My sister in law got the jab and a few months later was fighting for her life with blood clots in her lungs. Its disgusting what is happening in our country.

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Robyn for some reason cannot reply but she wants you to know she’s seen this and is so sorry about what you’ve been through! And she is praying for you!

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Robyn, Thank you for that great article! I am getting ready to send a letter to a local publisher on his sarcastic article on the reasons people didnt want to get the shot. He wrote it about a year ago and I have ignored it until now. I want to send him well referenced studies explaining the harms of the shot (its not a v). Thanks,

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This was a great article. Any time I see another person being completely "awake" as to the truth of what is happening, it's another step in the right direction. This was planned years ago. It is unfortunately succeeding. It's incredible how far it's gone and how many are still so brainwashed and not seeing the truth when it's literally in front of their face. I will share this article. Thank you!

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Back in Facebook jail for sharing your link. A badge of honor.

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Thank you for covering this topic. And done well.

Here is an in depth look at what is killing us.


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I discovered your podcast vibe. Thank you for all your work. I am so impressed with your efforts. I had known about you over the last 10 years from your participation in health means summits. I have learn so much wellness strategies from these summits. I loved your podcast with Hopi krisna. He spoke about what his md parents were observing in India. Injection cause cv outbreaks. Teachers dead, the commoner’s understood but the educated classes were drones to the safe and effective con. I have a phd in biochemist and impressed with your composure and ability to discuss this nightmare clown world. Yesterday I casually watched the Net fix mov social dilemma upon the advice of a substack comment. I did not find it compiling other than its ability to reinforce peoples opinions using AI. But I dont believe our extreme emotional state is a result of social media. I think the tv is the 5 branch of gov and sustains this medical illusion we are living with. Keep up the good work. Naomirocks too and all of those humanitarians whose careers are temporarily diverted in order to help v ax injured.cheers to you all.

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Thank you.

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I've almost grown numb to the never-ending amount of medical lies and fear-mongering. No doubt here that believing lies and fear-mongering, are two major contributors of premature death and disease epidemics in the world today.

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While I think the recent pumping of SADS is likely as cover for vax related deaths, this is not a new thing. The video you link to is from 2019 so not related to COVID vaccine...

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That’s just their point. They used a pre covid person in their story, as the cover. All these adults just dropping dead, their heart exploding while they’re in the shower? It’s not a sudden adult death syndrome.

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Not a single cited reference to check any of these supposed quotes. Not a single name, just an "insurance executive". I call bs. If its true, share the source so we can check.

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You’ve been shared one. Thanks Quest. There are several insurance companies who’ve released unprecedented death levels risen among the working age.

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Head shaker to me! Media is bogus and so sad for the Armed forces.

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