As a Realtor, been through this 3x since 1985! I'd rather be an owner in most economies (but not upside down on value vs my mortgage {LTV loan to value}), as a renter you're at the mercy of the economy and your landlord and potentially living with a lot of anxiety! Except since 2008 ppl have learned to work the system and lived rent free in foreclosing homes for sometimes a year+! Obama wasn't the greatest thing for integrity nor for rewarding the ppl who pay their bills and keep good credit ratings....his regime (as continues) actually thumbed their noses at ppl who live with honesty and integrity....everything they do seems to want to punish the honest good hardworking God fearing ppl (satanic).

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My recommendation is to sell right now and purchase with family - land - to use the powers of your own community away from the city. Cash only. All of my cash is in our paid for home. Late sixties, so this is my best scenario at this time - unless my kids would go for the family commune.

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I always wanted to do this - have ten siblings but not one of them had the foresight to understand what was coming.

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No other choice Penny, but to do what you suggest before the Great Reset agenda unfolds entirely! I'm currently looking for land.

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Powerful truths Robyn , thank you for being voice , keep talking !

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I remember the same in NYC in 2007 and beyond. Bubble, people will have to sell, prices will come down. But that was true only for marginal properties. There are pockets here in north east Florida where single family homes are flying off the shelves. Cash buyers. Neighborhoods with amenities and security in good school districts are hot commodities. Obviously, short term rentals are not allowed. We still see an influx from NY, NJ, CA and other deep blue states.

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Wasn't a lot of this happening too when Obama was President? He did vow to fundamentally change America didnt he? Who's running things? 🤔

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Clue: It's not the President.

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I would bet a lot of money that Obama and his ilk (Susan Rice, perhaps?) are still running things. We know Biden is not capable -- he's just a convenient 'placeholder'.

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Nope not the one people think..

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While I think you're correct in that this housing bubble is about to burst, what concerns me are large investment groups and corporations that will be gobblying up these properties and then renting them back to those that once owned them. There is a stigma being pushed against owning private property and they will use this next fiasco to push that hard and move people into these so-called "15 minute cities". It's coming. The leftists smell it like shark does chum in the water. It is going to get ugly and fast.

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I wish that you were wrong too. Living in the fast growing Austin area confirms your research. There are some single family homes being built, BUT there are far more condos and apartments being built. North of Austin there are literally far more apartments/condos/townhouses going up to address the growth.

One might conclude people just don’t want to do yard work and focus on work, but houses are clearly not the general direction. Looks like China.

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Seeing the same in Idaho and Utah. Lots of apartments going up starting in 2019. Ridiculously small spaces - people will be living packed in tightly contained quarters like jail cells.

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Here in central Wisconsin the amount of new apartments that have been built in the last 2 years is staggaring -- there are literally thousands of new apartments in multiple towns of 25,000 or less. There is no way that many people are moving in so something is ongoing. I suspect there are government subsidies being given to build these and there is a reason for that. I believe it's all revolving around 'the 2030 agenda' where we 'will own nothing and be happy'. It's truly evil and must be fought as such.

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Same here in Cleveland, Ohio. There's a new apartment building in one of the suburbs here with the monthly rent starting at $1,500.00. Are these apartment buildings owned by the evil doers that are buying up their homes and working in tandem w/ the gov't that's hiking the interest rates? My parents live in a senior apartment complex that keeps raising the rent. Come October, they're going to have to pay $1,400/month. Several people have already moved out.

I'm imagining that "they" (the powers that shouldn't be) will start putting up government subsidized type apartment buildings to pack 'em and stack 'em for those who are being forced to move out due to rent hikes and outrageous interest rates.

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put them on subsidies and tank their spirits with victim mentality and they're victims of the state until they are murdered with mandated jabs to keep their meager pittance and worship of their masters. I wish ppl could think ahead just a few years, but it takes years to turn a moving ship, and it would include them having to admit to themselves that they have some fault in their decisions. Narcissism is very hard to awake from and it keeps you blaming others and not looking at your own heart.

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