Can a 1 week old have goats milk? Best form? Mother doesn’t not have enough milk and told to give formula

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Every mRNA injected mother needs to be warned about this: https://odysee.com/@RealRedElephants:d/Several-Breastfed-Babies-DIE-IMMEDIATELY-After-Their-Mothers-Get-the-COVID-Vaccine:6

First I found out the monkey pox thing was known before it happened: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/moneypox?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web, Then I see on the news oh, suddenly an infant formula shortage. REALLY? Let's get a clear head and think about this. First of all, here's what I think of your infant formula shortage: (Bill Gates): https://www.mediaite.com/news/candace-owens-implies-bill-gates-is-behind-baby-formula-shortage-after-he-started-covid-pandemic/ Ever since seeing the covid vaccine under a microscope, anything some rich person wants to make my baby drink is held in high suspicion:https://vaccinesandmicroscopes.wordpress.com/

There's more: https://youarebeingliedto.substack.com/p/shot

It's all B.s. We are being sold lies every day. I'm not buying what they're selling.

"The average American child takes an antibiotic every 11 months." What? Goodness. And thank you for writing about the corn syrup. I'm the guy in the store people stare at thinking "what's wrong with him" , because I'm taking my time, reading the ingredients as I'm thinking "what's wrong with them" ( about whoever made the product I'm reading about.) Be alert everybody. Stay healthy!

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