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Well said Robin.

I commend you for making the coherent effort to convince the generationally brainwashed and hedonistic masses, that the repeated 5minute dopamine hits, as they chew the high fat, high sugar and high salt "food" are worth the costs.

My mother is dealing with LBD (lewy body dementia), at 85. She is however in great health, so she will probably live another 10 years or more. She continually says, I'm glad dementia is all I have wrong with me and she is right. Imagine losing your memory and being confined to a wheel chair, crapping in a bag hanging from your side, being on a nebulizer for your emphysema, or having a limb or two amputated because of your diabetes.

I have a friend who's mother won't drink water, eats horribly and literally has a bowl movement every 30 days give or take a day. I specifically asked about this as is, your full of BS and they said nope, it's true. She is obese, has retinal issues which makes her functionally blind, can't get up by herself at times, uses a walker, and is a perpetual hypochondriac.

I tell people all the time, that no one cares about the death in a bottle or Mylar bag, because it won't cripple or kill you for 30-50 years. If they keeled over after the first bite, things would be different. However, with infinitesimally small exceptions, the price will have to be paid - with your health.

Human nature means that people - on the whole - usually won't care about any of this until they have to and then many will be like Mr. bologna sandwich or decide that euthanasian is the answer.

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