I don't know why I never considered that the childhood vaccines could be responsible for this current issue we face over the gender identity "explosion". But it seems highly possible. I have been aware of some of the horrible ingredients in flu vaxxes, but didn't put 2 and 2 together until this article. What a concept! Explains a lot.

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Those of us who follow the Bible teachings know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.

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People playing God. Time to disassociate from them like 2 Timothy 3-5 says to do. Pray for them but do not agree with or associate with. My question too is are these boys and men who want to be women actually cutting off their penis like women are having their breast hacked off?

This all started with Obama legalizing gay marriage. Slippery slope as Jason Whitlock says.


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Vaccines since infancy are loaded with hormones, 26 viral spike proteins, fetal tissues, horse urine, carcinogen chemicals, graphene, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, MSG, nanos of all kinds and AI alien black goo! Trans-humanism at its best! 🤬

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Exactly. Why? The medical profession couldn't care less. Only interested in profit.

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satan's MO is to get you and me and anyone who can be influenced by lies, confusion, chaos and ingrattitude to HATE THEMSELVES. We've all heard the voices in our heads at some point of depression or deeply tired in life 'going it alone' (without God and hope and truth). Self hatred is taught, and it is rampant. I had adults and friends all of my developmental years to cause me to question my sexuality and self worth, with inuindo and sometimes just plain lack of encouragement or words of blessing to lift me up. It seems like a catch 22 when you realize that your hatred of others is really YOU projecting your own self hatred onto them as though THEY are an object. You can only see others as objects when you see yourself as one....objectified. The only path to healing is to STOP, be still and know God, shake off the narcissism and arrogance and come to know humility and that you are seriously wrong in your quest to prove that you are right about everything. Narcissists can never admit they were wrong, can never apologize and they blame everyone else for their own created problems. Closed minded people are their own worst enemies and they are easily taken advantage of by ppl with hidden agenda's. It took me YEARS to come to a place of understanding that I was my own worst enemy through all of the above. Seek only God's wisdom and pray for the ability to find humility. "Argue with reality, welcome to hell". Stop arguing with God and the truth or you'll be a victim the rest of your life. Simply admit the truth and you'll find life. Fear and emotionality set us up for making harmful decisions. NEVER make decisions based on coercion or ppl trying to scare you into doing something you do not want to do.

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Robyn - Good questions. I suggest the answers to "why" some young people lean this way or that in terms of gender and sexual attractions, I suggest the one answer book I find that puts things into real perspective - the Bible. It portrays us as all having inherited various sinful tendencies and areas of strengths and weaknesses built into our souls from birth. Each one a unique blend. But the Bible doesn't stop by showing us the nature of sin within each of us which longs for any number of perverse expressions, beginning with prideful selfishness/ambtion and preoccupation with self, and going on from there. But it completes the picture by revealing the solution and presenting the Deliverer, and there could be no other explanation nor counsel for our questions about our own tendencies than to gather God's revealed wisdom of truth to ourselves and begin to apply these God-given resources of truth by faith and let God do what only God can do with our own very fractured and cracked pots of clay. We keep on trying to bend the rules to adapt, but truth never changes. It is a constant, and it does not originate from within one's self, but resides in God Who IS Truth. He's inviting us into fellowship, but we somehow think He will bend the truth to accomodate what only grace and mercy can accomodate. I knew from the moment we legitimized gay marriage that we were on a fast tract to destroy God's design of humanity and family, and I told my wife that transgenderism and bestiality would soon follow, along with every other form of perversion of God's great design for people. Totally predictable, and it didn't take long. Why can't people connect the dots?? I suspect it has to do with rejection of the one Law Giver Who can't be bought, co-opted or corrupted. Lots of love - Mike

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Very well said…

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Implied was the idea that childhood injections may intentionally contributed to increases in this phenomena. Similar is the example of Gastrointestinal insult by haxsines increasing number of autistic characteristics. It seems like plastics exposure may also contribute to physiological and mental population changes. who knows the poisons thrown at our bodies thru acceptance of lifestyles that increase exposure to chemicals, pods,dish washer use, meds, geoengineering.

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Grateful for your outspoken, well said article on transgender confusion. I appreciate you and this article for helping us all, my adult children and my grandchildren, as we navigate this growing nightmare world and hopefully and prayerfully guide them to thrive inspite of it all1

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Dear Robyn,

That is a very interesting point. Around 2016, this was rising in my middle school, and a young colleague remarked, 'Where did this all come from all of a sudden? I never heard about it in college" (and she was about one year out). Has there been an explosion of gender dysphoria in youth? Is there a chemical constituent of this situation? So I now must ask, "What new vaxxes were given to children starting around 2002-3?"

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Or did they start putting other types of poisons in the ones the kids are already getting?!

This is just my observation on medication such as antibiotics…I used to not have any problem taking antibiotics of any kind. Around 3 to 5 years ago things changed dramatically! Now, ANY antibiotic I take makes me horribly sick. 🤢🤮 Something changed!

I’m just wondering what kind of funky monkey stuff are they starting to put in ALL meds?!

It stands to reason, they could put ANYTHING into the medications we take. What 3 letter agency is going to keep them honest?! 🧐. Inquiring minds would like to know… 🔥😡🔥

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