Robyn....I always see pure truth in what you write! You inspire confidence in living in the Light.

thank you.

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For depression:

1 exercise---no way around it! It is likely the most potent anti-depressant....or take crap pfarma pills

2 sleep---mine still sucks but, never give up experimenting and curiosity about improvement and helping others with theirs.

3 diet-- a constant curiosity and focus on our temples of Gods energy and healing inside of us, lay hands on yourself! wherever you want healing...our own hands direct amazing energy (oxytocin for one)

4 intimate friendships and groups of ppl with common interests---not sexualized (I know, that's near impossible without God) I say NO SEX or any possiblility outside of marriage--it's just a bandaid or an addiction--you're using ppl as objects (I know) fill that with helping others and seeking God. Set boundaries for yourself and others, we're all messed up here, give no room for satan sexualizing you/them and keeping us from sweet truthful conversations and praying for each other.

6 making the effort to get out of bed and get out of the house and network

7 pray for ppl to come to you who are safe to talk to about anything and everything.

8 reading bible daily and writing down your thoughts, the bible is the most amazing way to realign your brain chemistry! It zapps our narcissism and ego BS in the most amazing way.

9 EVERY DAY we must learn gratitude...looking for everything we can be thankful for, this is a must to replace all of the FAULT FINDING that we were taught since childhood...negativity and comparison is a downward spiral

10 remember, you are only human! God knows your are simply dust/dirt, give yourself grace and a break from beating the hell outta yourself....you're not that important to throw such big fits!

11 Anger is simply a mask for your sadness...unresolved, unexamined childhood traumas are what drives all of our addictions and ridiculous fits of rage...there would be no more road rage if ppl learned how to grieve their childhood traumas and allow the Holy Spirit to come in. But first have to stop and be still to hear God.

12 Sabbath rest! You'll never get to know God without stopping and resting and listening. Go hiking, ride your bike, go camping, games with friends and laughter. It's near impossible for self important narcissists...but I pressed through for 20 years and it is worth it to learn how to let go of the lie 'that you are that important'....NOT. If you rest, God will take care of you 100%. The 'world' does not want you to learn this truth. The world message is to distract you so that you'll never know yourself and peace nor truth....that you are awesome and unique and perfectly meant to be here right now at this time.

13 do not ask...'why the addiction'....ask 'why the pain'? your addiction is of no importance....it is simply the attempt to numb the pain that no one ever taught you how to look at it and talk about and bring light and truth to the situation. THERE IS NOTHING TOO BIG TO EXPLORE AND FIND THE REASON FOR THE PAIN. We are meant to learn to be good at grieving our losses, then we can help others learn how to grieve and move on to great lives with our God given purposes. The quote is Gabor Mate', find him on youtube and listen daily....great healing messages.

14 Learn to simply say to God...I am sorry, forgive me, I was a fool, thank you that we can move forward from here. God's mercies are new every day.

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One of my daughters got “fired” by her children’s pediatrician a number of years ago. My daughter kept putting off getting the shots until they gave her the ultimatum of “get the shots or get out”.

She left and got another doctor.

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Pick A Doctor. Any Doctor.

Pick 'Em All.

Their Minds Have Been Manufactured

To Operate Like Appliances.

- Don't worry. One of these doctors will be right about something one of these days.

- We will just have to wait until the wonders of life can be administered as a multiple choice test.


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