Thank you for sharing your experiences & resources in the way that you do! I had growth in discernment on the fish oil topic when I owned a natural pet food store. I tried not to stock much kibble that was fish-based cause it was even more rancid than any other kibble protein. And my fish oil supplement section were 2 items. I didn’t feel good about selling them and anytime someone bought the fish oil I was completely honest saying it was probably rancid, storing it in the fridge is useless, just don’t bother. But I had to accept that some ppl will just think otherwise due to the stronghold of the veterinarian’s advice. And that’s a whole other topic of ppl in white coats pushing poison and lies, even the integrative ones! I managed my pug’s tumor naturally for 10 years after he was over-Vxd. Both my pugs died on their own terms here at home.

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Your writing is a comfort. Now, back out to my garden to weed the asparagus before giving it a dose of bloodmeal--the only 'supplement' my soil now needs, according to Univ.Maine soil test. Wonder how many micro nutrients are in this soil, lovingly cultivated for 36 years? Some I know, from the very generous info provided by UMe--which gives much, much more informative soil tests than PennState. I have been musing about what actually is going into our bodies, from the Monday broccoli picked and cooked for lunch, and coleslaw I made for that day's supper out of the new cabbage; from last night's salad of various lettuces, spinach, arugula, celery, dill (store onion, mushroom, carrot, peppers, I have to admit, as their garden time is a month or two in the future). I confess I don't care for the idea of smoothies, as I like to chew and crunch my greens.

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Oh and BTW Robyn you are just as qualified or even more so qualified to be a FMD in my humble opinion!

Sue Seward

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Really eye opening info! Appreciate you speaking out Robyn! I've been thinking about this subject for some time.

For over 17 years I've seen FMDs and taken a handful of various supplements including fish oil and Vit D. Just ordered your probiotics for us to try and wanted to try the TriOmega but it's got flaxseed and my recent food allergy testing showed a sensitivity to flax? I rarely even eat flax so not sure why it shows up?

After 17 years of being off gluten/ wheat there's no more sensitivity to wheat either. No fast food in 17 years.

Bet you get some flack for this article!! 🤪

Sue Seward

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