Nattokinase & serrapeptase, empty stomach. They are proteases - dissolve proteins. S protein in the mRNA vax creates endothelial damage and agglutination, can last for months. Information here: https://hiddencomplexity.substack.com/p/nattokinase-degrades-the-spike-protein

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Fantastic interview Robyn, I will be praying for this young man and his family.

God may have another Freedom Fighter in His plans for this young man!

Thank you for all you do for getting the message out about this poisonous shot!


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Maybe it would help some people if they would read an article posted on news with views about a year ago. The title was "Beware Of The Sorcerer's Medicine". The author made good points about advances in medicine. He also truthfully reported about the avoidable disasters too. As I Posted on another substack this week. Advances in medicine mean nothing if there are no advancements in improved human health. Seems to me that we have made more advances in deteriorating human health. Too many human health disasters in human health for me to ever believe otherwise.

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Robyn, is an amazing story. It breaks my heart that our government would be so lost as to do this to us.

PLEASE , folks take action with your loved ones. We are under attack from within.

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