Ladies who wear concealer under your eyes.
When I see someone with dark circles under their eyes, or light makeup attempting to cover it up, I think:
"Why not solve that mineral deficiency, instead of just covering up the symptoms of it?"
Dark circles under your eyes are a symptom of mineral deficiency. And if it's showing in your appearance, it's causing problems on the inside, too.
Though it's a popular "makeup hack," to use a lighter-colored concealer, under the eyes.
If you google dark circles under your eyes, you'll be served several ads for concealer. Whether you use Google or another search engine.
Google now prioritizes content from Healthline and Mayo Clinic, who will tell you that you get these circles from fatigue, and that you could take an iron supplement.
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I wasn't tired, though, or sleep deprived. When I had those dark circles under my eyes.
And, most iron supplements are synthetic. Why would we spend money on one isolated, synthetic mineral--and when synthetic iron supplements also cause constipation–
–when you could get all of the minerals and trace minerals, from the same source plants are supposed to get them from?
Which can actually be a game-changer for digestion, too. Iron (the mineral, not the metal) is used by the body in synergy with other nutrients.
I had dark circles under my eyes in my videos from 13 years ago. Even though I was eating a plant-based diet. I'm embarrassed to say, you can go see for yourself, on my YouTube channel.
Until I started using Ultimate Minerals 13 years ago. And haven't bought or used concealer for 13 years.
I'd rather spend my money on nutrition, versus makeup to cover up my nutrient deficiency.
The whole approach to health issues of covering them up with makeup, or masking their symptoms with drugs–is like putting duct tape over the engine warning light in the dashboard of your car.
Ultimate Minerals is concentrated fulvic and humic acids, right from ancient plant deposits, which is what your produce is supposed to be full of. It is on sale this month. We have countless amazing testimonials about this, our most popular product.
Their roots are supposed to take it up, from decaying organic plant matter in good soil.
But our food isn't grown in good soil. Most gardens or food you buy in the store is grown in depleted, dead soils. And plants are propped up with synthetic nitrogen fertilizer. Even organic produce doesn't have what you need, nutritionally. It, too, is mostly grown in depleted soils, using synthetic nitrogen fertilizer.
So, I just add a dropperful of Ultimate Minerals in my water, when I wake up in the morning, and in water right before bed.
Supplying my body with the 90+ minerals we use up every day in every single transaction that happens in the human body–didn't just eliminate the dark circles under my eyes.
It also made my hair grow twice as fast, and thicker--and it made my fingernails stronger, and grow twice as fast.
It has to have a positive impact on organs and systems inside my body, that I can’t see, too.
Ultimate Minerals was a game changer for me, it's the one supplement I take every single day. I never even travel without it.
Lots of people take one isolated nutrient, in a pill–and Ultimate Minerals has over 90 minerals and trace minerals in it, from the highly bioavailable source you needed it from, in the first place. Making it about 90 times more valuable than most supplements people are taking!
And that’s not even counting the B vitamins and electrolytes you get from this natural compound that has sustained plants and the people who eat them, for thousands of years.
I keep a big stash of it, since it doesn't expire--and since shipping is getting more difficult for high-quality small businesses who care about quality. And more expensive for the customer.
It’s organic fulvic and humic acids, as concentrated as they can be, without becoming solids. When I learned about humic and fulvic acids, 15 years ago, I started using jugs of it from another company. I had amazing results.
But then I learned that their product was over 97% water. I researched and found a high-quality and organic source of humic/fulvic product I could trust, where you aren’t paying to ship yourself mostly water.
If you have a story about Ultimate Minerals, please share it below. It is our #1 most re-ordered product.
The organic fulvic/humic is from ancient plant deposits--but, before they turn to shale.
The vast majority of mineral supplements are made from rock, or from chalk--because rocks and chalk are cheap, or free, for the supplement companies.
Basically the only “cost of goods” for these supplements is in grinding them up to give it to you in a pill. Because they are indeed full of minerals.
The problem is, despite high mineral content--your body doesn't actually metabolize rocks or chalk!
So, what's bioavailable–is from plants. Better yet, decaying plant matter.
We run a “product of the month” deal on Ultimate Minerals once a year, and it’s going on now. You’ll learn for yourself why it’s the most popular and re-ordered product we’ve ever had.
And you won’t notice any taste–just put a dropperful in water, and even kids won’t taste it. (Ultimate Minerals is great for children and pets, too!)
We love when you write us and tell us what you experienced, when you address your mineral deficiency. Ladies, concealer for dark circles under your eyes is entirely unnecessary!
I've been using the Fulvic Minerals from Touchstone Essentials for two months now along with their Heavy Metal Detox products. I've seen improvement too in my recent thyroid labs.