This “Golden-Milk” Tea Can Keep You Healthy Through the Holidays
A few years ago, I discovered the recipe for this “Golden Milk Tea” in a Farmer’s Almanac. I adapted it a bit and fell in love with it.
A recipe is always worth sharing when it’s chock-full of immune-supporting superfoods, calming for the nervous system, AND delicious — something I look forward to. It’s easy to make, too!
This recipe is fabulous if you who want to get off coffee and you drink it not so much for the stimulant, but rather for the “habit” of having a hot mug in your hand and a warming drink in your belly. (Coffee doesn’t really provide the stimulant anyway, if you drink it every day.)
If you want a better source of caffeine, substitute green or black tea instead of the calming chamomile in this recipe.
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It’s an entire breakfast or lunch for me sometimes!
So here it is. I’m hoping you give it a try and maybe even drink it through the holidays — when most people are eating and drinking things they’ll want to detox from, come January.
1½ cups almond milk or oat milk
1 tsp ground turmeric
½ tsp ground ginger
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
Small pinch of white pepper
1 chamomile tea bag (or try black tea if your blood is too high in iron, or green tea for the polyphenols)
1 tsp raw honey
Bring the milk to a boil. Remove from the heat, add the chamomile tea bag, and let it steep for 10 minutes. Whisk or blend in the other ingredients, and enjoy!
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