My mother used black salve, and my grandmother used it. It’s a very potent remedy from the plant world, to eliminate pre-cancers and cancers from the skin.
Let me get the disclaimers out of the way. I am not a doctor. I am not suggesting you use black salve, nor am I giving medical advice. I do not sell black salve, or make a commission on it, nor do I make it for my own use.
Per FTC guidelines, please assume links on this newsletter may be affiliate links that benefit us, though if so, the price is not marked up. Thank you for supporting our mission.
I am simply telling you what I, my mother and siblings, and my grandmother have done successfully for generations.
By empowering ourselves to know what pre-cancers and squamous and basal cell and melanoma skin cancers look like, and how to eliminate them, we’ve saved thousands of dollars, decreased our stress, and avoided disfiguring ourselves when our fair skin develops a scaly, red patch known as an actinic keratosis or pre-cancer. Your scaly, sometimes reddened patch of skin may even bleed at times. If you deal with it then, it’s eliminated before it causes a bigger problem.
You can google and look at countless photos of squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas. Someone will yell at me in comments that I cannot possibly know what a basal cell carcinoma looks like because I’m not a doctor. (You can find the video I did about the topic on Rumble.)
That’s like saying I don’t know what a Volkswagen looks like because I’m not a mechanic.
For me, it doesn’t particularly matter what exactly type of cancer it is; I know how to kill it and, after it dies, draw it out of the body. Some people even use black salve to eliminate moles or other skin blemishes.
Regardless of what the aberrant growth is, the nice thing about having black salve on hand is, you don’t have to ignore it while you have anxiety about it for months and try to figure out who to go see about it, with medical appointment waits sometimes being months these days, meanwhile the cancerous cells are multiplying.
The U.S. FDA tries to keep black salve off the market. You’ve probably noticed Pharma and Western Medicine don’t like competition.
Previously I’ve used a brand from a company called Amazon (, not the mega-billion dollar Jeff Bezos spawn) that ships from South America.
As we all face down long-term shortages of medical equipment, meds, and supplies, we are wise to learn to be our own apothecaries. I am actually really weary of the woke mob screaming at me that I cannot possibly know anything about my own health because I am not a doctor, so let me get this out of the way:
I’m sorry that someone has disempowered you to feel that you cannot possibly know anything about your body if you are not a doctor. Remember, some of these doctors graduated in the bottom 20% of their class.
I actually get the sense, on the rare case I interact with a doctor, that he or she knows little about my health, in fact. (Since I’m the one who lives in my body. Plus I’ve read thousands of pages and done 10,000 hours of research on topics related to my health that they don’t even teach in medical school.)
In fact, can someone please point me to the classes in medical school where they’re even taught about health and how to achieve it? (P.S. The Cliff’s Notes is: they don’t.) There is no compensation in the job most doctors go on to do, for teaching people to be healthy. Doctors are taught human anatomy and physiology. They are taught pharmacopeia and technology and drugs and surgical procedures to deal with disease–for diagnostic, treatment and billing purposes.
May God bless doctors, who are often wonderful people, but they don’t generally know more than the average person about what a state of health looks like or how to help a patient achieve it.
You can take one look at most doctors and nurses and see that they are not specialists in how to achieve health. Every one of us knows of many people who’ve been misdiagnosed, as well. So, handing your health off to a third party isn’t very wise. At least be very involved, ask questions, and do your own research.
I consider having a little container of black salve one of my best tools, to deal with my own health issues rather than make appointments weeks or months out, to drive across town and sit in a lobby for 90 minutes, to see a doctor for 10 minutes. I don’t wait years until the skin cancer has become invasive, to deal with it. Because in rare cases where the patient waited years to deal with it, burning an advanced skin cancer off with black salve could eat through the thin tissues of your nose, for instance. I prefer to deal with my pre-skin-cancers while they are PRE-cancers.
However, I show you here a photo of my 55-yo face that has been sunburned literally hundreds of times. You can see a mild scar on my nose, from burning off a troubling pre-cancer a few years ago. You can also see a large Band-Aid covering the 6 small, scaly pre-cancers I’m burning off right now, all half the size of a dime or smaller.
I also show you another photo where I peel that Band-Aid back and show you Day 4 after applying Black Salve to one of them. The white part is dead pre-cancerous flesh, and the black part is remnants of the salve I applied. It looks bad, but a few days later, the burned-off part falls out, the redness goes away, and I apply some kind of healing oil or ointment on at night. I put makeup on, the minor scarring diminishes over the course of months, and there’s no more aberrant growth on my face.
You cannot expect to have black salve consume the aberrant growth, and it fall out of your face, chest, or leg–without a scar. But look at your alternative: the burning they do at the dermatologist scars, too. So does their Mohs surgery.
My scars from black salve killing a skin cancer lighten over time and you wouldn’t notice them, looking at me, even though I have 20+ of them. I use makeup, but light makeup, but the only two somewhat significant scars are on my nose (which you can see in the photo) and my chest, which you also wouldn’t notice unless you were looking carefully.
Most of my scars are just white spots that don’t match the slight tan I have going most of the time, living in Florida.
For those who want to scream at me that I’m not a doctor and I cannot diagnose pre-cancers (many do, on my YouTube video despite me saying at least 4 times, “this is not medical advice”), let me say a few things:
1. Diagnosing pre-cancers, and also basal cell and squamous cell cancers, isn’t hard, it isn’t rocket science. Dermatology is a technician job, really–they aren’t doing brain surgery, so relax and realize you can assess your own situation, since you look at your skin “up close and personal” every day.
If you want to go to a dermatologist for your diagnosis, please do so. I would have made dozens of trips to the derm the past 15 years, if that were my chosen approach, and it’s really not hard to eliminate my own pre-cancers, and there’s no long wait, either. As the medical system melts down, doctors are overworked and demoralized, and patients are having to wait months in many specialties–I like that I can take action with my pre-cancers immediately.
I have a tendency to burn half a dozen of them mostly on my forehead about once to twice a year, so my preparedness supplies contain not just toothpicks, Black Salve, Vitamin E or another healing ointment for healing the skin afterward and minimizing scarring, but also a few boxes of Band-Aids of varying sizes.
2. I went for the dermatologist approach twice, with the first pre-cancer on my face, about 15 years ago. In fact, I went twice, and both times they burned it off. Which seems counterintuitive since radioactive burning actually CAUSES cancer.
In both cases, the pre-cancer returned–quickly in fact, and was more aggressive–and it was only using black salve that eliminated that troublesome pre-cancer for good.
3. I have an unfortunate amount of experience with pre-cancers, and even a full-blown basal cell carcinoma, which required TWO treatments of black salve, and is now a memory, since there’s a small white keloid scar on my chest to prove it. How did I know the first treatment wasn’t enough? The spot continued to be scabby and scaly and even bleed sometimes, after the first attempt. I did a second treatment and got the “margins” (I treated a slightly larger area, and got all the way to the edge of the cancer).
Here’s the process of using black salve:
1. I open the small tub of the very black, almost tar-like substance, and use a toothpick to put a small but thick amount on the scaly patch on my forehead. For a few minutes or even an hour, it may sting a bit.
2. I cover it with a Band-Aid. Don’t get in your sauna or the black salve will drip down to other places, causing an angry red trail. (Don’t believe these people who say that black salve is “cell selective”--I’ve found it’ll do damage to healthy tissues too, so be precise with your usage.)
3. It may take an entire week, or perhaps even longer, before the dead cancerous surface layer, or even a chunk of a deeper piece of flesh, falls out. It turns white as it dies.
On days 3-6, as tissue is dying, I notice the spots of cancer or pre-cancer itch. I confess sometimes I press hard on them (don’t scratch!) or even press my fingernails into them, to deal with the itching. The black glob of black salve eventually gets washed away or falls off, and that’s okay if you can just keep it on the pre-cancer for a couple of days when the “kill” is happening.
If I go to change the Band-Aid on Day 2, and I see the black salve has come off, I’ll apply a second time.
Don’t wash the cancerous spots, but protect it with a fresh band-Aid every day or two, and don’t let the black salve be washed off in the shower. If it seems dry or cracked, dab it with oil, with a Q-tip or your clean fingertip.
Don’t put any makeup on the treated area. Just cover it up with a Band-Aid, wear a baseball hat, and don’t worry about walking around town with a Band-Aid on your face, people have seen stranger things.
If the black salve does get washed off in the first 1-2 days, you may need to re-apply. Which is a good idea anyway, if you suspect a full-blown basal cell or squamous cell cancer (versus actinic keratosis, a scaly pre-cancer that stays on the surface). Bleeding, turning colors, and going deeper in the skin are signs you may have an actual cancer rather than scaly pre-cancer.
Pre-cancers often just come off as a layer on your skin, whereas basal and squamous cell cancers may go deeper in your flesh.
4. Keep it moist, if it gets dried-out and the dead cancerous flesh hasn’t fallen out yet, just dab it with coconut oil or another oil you have on hand.
5. When the chunk of flesh, or a peeling of flesh with a pre-cancer falls out, now it’s time to apply a healing ointment daily for a few weeks. Vitamin E, “Dragon’s Blood” (that Amazon company will sell you) or Golden Salve from Barlow’s Herbal all work well.
Again, I’m not a doctor, and this isn’t medical advice. Here’s my Youtube video of my discussion of this topic, if you would rather listen to me discuss it.
You should do what you feel comfortable with, but I’ve become so non-dependent on doctors and the medical system that besides an annual hormone checkup by a natural hormone replacement practitioner (an NP), I haven’t seen a doctor since my 22-year old youngest son was born.
This may not be for you; maybe you like to go to doctors and take medications. But as for me and mine, I like knowing I can help my family and friends and myself, without the expense and sitting in lobbies with sick people and the sense of un-ease I get with my “medical expert” giving me 5 or 10 minutes of his time, before his hand is on the door rushing off to see the next patient.
Please subscribe for $10/mo if my work has helped you, because it keeps the GreenSmoothieGirl / TakeActionForFreedom team employed and doing good work. This channel is all about health strategies and preparedness steps to move into the post-covid world. Please share with friends who want to prepare and want concrete information and action steps. And, please assume that some of the links I may share, compensate my small business.
You go girl. When you manage to do a better job with your own health than big pharma products or most conventional doctors. You don't need the advice and opinions from the WOKE" crowd who are being mutated into the walking dead. Don't mean to be cold here. Whether people admit it or not. Toxic medicine is worse than no medicine.
Robyn this was a great layout of what to expect, pictures were helpful too, thank you 🙏