Last week, July 13, in our Take Action for Freedom (TAFF) Insiders Mastermind, I did a 90-minute Live on these topics:
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1. 14 macro-economic experts I tune into every chance I get, on YouTube, and why I listen to them.
(To compress a decade of learning geopolitical issues and macro-economic issues, into a few months of listening, in my free time as I work out, drive, or chill on the beach. And avoid the 99% time-waster content producers.)
If you join the mastermind because you want to keep a pulse on what’s going on, in the economy, towards repositioning yourself financially, watch the Live, and follow those 14 influencers–or just the ones who resonate with you after I tell you about them. You can subscribe in YouTube, so you’re notified of their new content, anytime you go into the app.
2. Two categories of influencers and “experts” whose content I avoid, and why. (If I’d followed the advice they gave throughout 2020 and 2021, I’d have lost a lot of money.)
3. Why the leverage is being wrung out of the crypto market, which is going to be painful for a lot of inexperienced investors who jumped in starry-eyed during a four-year massive bull run that made them think they were geniuses. That leverage may be painful, but it’s needed. Because there isn’t a need for 20,000 crypto projects out there now. Maybe 20 to 50 of them will go any kind of distance.
For example, one new blockchain/crypto project is making GOLD useable as cash, wherein you can even use a credit card to spend your gold. I wouldn’t jump in as an investor of that startup just now–it’s too new and too volatile in this climate–BUT I’m interested to see how that “use case” evolves! Often it’s the SECOND company, who comes in and fixes the problems of the first market disruptor; it’s the second one who ends up being the Amazon. Those of you who think “we’re way past gold having value” should consider that. Gold has intrinsic value and is “sound money” where almost nothing else is (besides Bitcoin) – which is why China and Russia are buying gold up, as fast as they can.
4. How I’ve personally re-positioned and re-invested over the last 18 months, to hunker down heading into recession and possibly worse, to be able to also help my community and family who have mostly done nothing to prepare.
If you’re ready to join us, all the Lives we’ve done every Weds for a year, are available to members, on demand.
We’re the only organization out there that is pure, objective education–not pitching any project, no upsell. And above all, cautioning people against throwing their money into a project just because a guy at a cocktail party who seems smart told you he’s investing in it. (In my experience, that’s as far as the education goes, of MOST retail investors jumping in!)
Start, though, with the 9 training modules at the beginning. To put the ground under your feet in the “basics” you need to know before even considering getting into the crypto world. And read my transcripts of those modules, where I’ve added some things.
Both watching AND viewing those trainings will help “cement” your learning, so that you can actually begin to navigate the world of DeFi, crypto, and blockchain.
Check your FOMO (fear of missing out), which can cause you to make impetuous decisions investing that you later regret. Patient investors win.
If a price seems low, or a good buy, but you haven’t learned more about the project yet, you can always keep it on a “watch list” until the price goes back down to a dip. Most people buy cryptos without doing any of that basic-level research.
A lot of analysts think BTC will trace down to $12k or even as low as $10k before the bloodbath is over. But now’s a good time to start learning, fast, while the best cryptos that will become the Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple of the next 50 years are becoming more clear. But there is a field of landmines in the crypto space.
Here’s the 45-min free webinar I did, to give you a basis to understand why I don’t feel it’s optional for people heading into the future to understand how decentralized finance is both a minefield, AND the disruptive force that will change everything about your financial future.
And here’s the link to join, for a massive discount right now if you buy a 3-month membership up front, for less than $200.
If you’re not already subscribed to my Substack channel, join us here, and my new content will come to your Inbox, a few times a week. And, please assume that some of the links I may share, compensate my small business.