In Matthew 18:19-20, we are promised: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
In that spirit, I asked you to join me in an online Zoom prayer meeting for Dr. Carrie Madej and her boyfriend Billy last night.
Billy was the pilot whose single-engine plane went down shortly after takeoff in Georgia on Sunday afternoon, after Billy had signaled “engine trouble” to air traffic control.
Carrie and Billy have both been through surgery Monday and are in the ICU, but in stable condition. Carrie has a broken leg and a fractured vertebrae; Billy has a broken hand and rib and some brain contusions.
Zoom had increased our limit by 1,000. But I, and most of you who tried to attend, were locked out. So, I’m sharing with you in writing, the prayers for Carrie’s and Billy’s full recovery, texted to me by some public figures who were unable to get in.
To offer our prayers up to the God whom Carrie Madej serves, in her courageous fight against evil and corruption.
(And thank you to alt-media host Ann Vandersteel and filmmaker Jonathan Otto and those of you who DID get in before we hit the limit, who carried on and prayed anyway.)
Some people you know and love shared their prayers in writing, then, with me in text, which I share here, including my own.
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Dr. Ryan Cole: Wishing my friends Billy and Carrie a speedy recovery. I’m grateful for your survival. I know there are challenges ahead. Know that you are loved and have many prayers headed your way.
Dr. Peter McCullough: May God show mercy on her beautiful soul.
Robyn Openshaw: Dear Lord, we come together today to thank you for the courage and work and tireless advocacy of your servant Dr. Carrie Madej, as well as her partner Billy Crandall. And we ask you to heal them completely from the broken bones and injuries they sustained yesterday. We know from Luke 12:7 that you count the hairs on our head and that “not one of the sparrows will fall to the ground apart from the will of you, Our Father.” Carrie never speaks without invoking her great devotion to you and the cause of loving and blessing Your children. Please bless Carrie and Billy to receive the best of care in the hospital. Please bring them back to us safely. We pray for your greatest blessings of healing upon them in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Mat Staver (lead attorney at Liberty Council): Lord be with Carrie and Billy. Heal them and renew them. With you all things are possible. We ask that you raise up your servant and grant her life and full recovery. Carrie has been such a powerful and fearless voice during COVID. She has helped countless people. We need her strong voice. I ask that you give the doctors and nurses and staff wisdom, and that you regenerate any damage that they have sustained. Thank you for life! In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!
Jeff Childers (Coffee & Covid blogger and attorney): Heavenly Father, you created the universe with a word, nothing happens that is outside your control. You have taught us that all things happen for good, for those who believe. But sometimes, Lord, it is difficult for us to understand, when bad things happen to good people, and tests our faith. We pray that you would fill us with your Holy Spirit, and we pray the Spirit on our sister Carrie, who is in the hands of the doctors and nurses attending her. We pray a spirit of healing and strength and protection upon Carrie and Billy. She has blessed us all with her unwavering optimism and humor and her courage. We thank you for giving us this sister who herself has helped so many find hope and healing. No, Lord, we pray that you would make it her turn. We pray that you would double back all the blessings that Carrie has showered on others—unto her, Lord. In the name of the eternally blessed name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Thank you, everyone, for joining or trying to join and for all your ongoing prayers for Carrie and Billy.
Much love,
Robyn Openshaw
Please consider subscribing to my channel. My subject matter shifted radically on March 1, 2020. My previous 15 years as a public figure was in how to break free of the corruption of pharma and get well and stay well using nutrition and detoxification. Which I learned the hard way, after spending four years in bed after being injured by the flu jab in grad school.
I still love those topics but in 2020, I turned my attention to figuring out the virus and vaccine thing. As a former Mormon and lifelong prepper, my current focus will be preparedness, and surviving The Great Reset. If these are topics that interest you, please stick around and subscribe! And, please assume that some of the links I may share, compensate my small business.
A beautiful soul with much more work to do here 💗 🙏