Once, 20 years ago, an MD friend of mine made fun of the idea of “detoxing.”
She said, “Detoxing from WHAT? That’s what you have a liver and kidneys for!”
Many years later, encountering a health crisis that the drugs-and-surgery model couldn’t fix, she did the 26-Day GreenSmoothieGirl Detox — and found it life-changing. So have my children, and a number of close friends.
Fact is, your body does have filtering mechanisms to keep toxins from killing you. Called “organs of elimination,” these filtering organs and systems include not only your bowel, liver, and kidneys, but also your lymphatic system, your neurological system, your cardiovascular system, your lungs, your skin, and your gallbladder —
— all with roles in cleaning up the metabolic byproducts of digestion, and the toxins we all encounter daily.
Your Gallbladder Isn’t Disposable
Twenty years ago, medicine didn’t even know what gallbladders did, so they just took them out, at any sign of trouble. Now, science knows more about the gallbladder’s important role in fat metabolism, but still, 1 in 300 Americans have their gallbladders removed every year!
In other words, one million gallbladder removals are done each year, and that number keeps growing.
It’s big business, and when all you’ve got is a hammer (surgery!), everything looks like a nail.
When experiencing an acute gallbladder attack, most people just want to stop the pain, rather than spend a few weeks flushing out all the body’s organs of elimination.
As her gallbladder and liver backed up, one woman told me that her gallbladder became so lifeless and useless that it actually meshed into her liver, and surgeons had to pick pieces of it out, in surgery!
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My attorney brother just younger than me had his gallbladder removed 10 years ago, when he was having lots of mysterious symptoms–and the health problems did not clear up.
“Oops, sorry, now you’re missing one organ, and we’ll keep treating you, trying new things,” seemed to be the response of his medical team, as he was in and out of hospitals for a year.
We should all consider that our gallbladders are important and necessary, not some extraneous part that is a mistake God made. I like to help people discover that other options are a great idea, before just removing organs.
Fatty Liver Flush: 500+ Ways to Look and Feel Better!
“Fatty liver disease” is a relatively new diagnosis, as more and more people find the thousands of ducts in their livers clogged with sludgy bile. A diet high in animal products and processed foods leads to fatty liver disease.
Thin, well-produced bile is critical to a healthy, functioning liver. (It also helps if you eliminate junk food and avoid alcohol, especially to excess, and drink plenty of water, especially if you ever drink alcohol.
Eating bitter foods helps stimulate your body to produce healthy quantities of high-quality bile — think arugula.)
But flushing your liver is also highly preventative, and an excellent detox program will prepare you to do this. Our role the last 9 years has been to put together the best protocols discovered by holistic docs all over the world, the last 60 years — and then coach you through the whole 26-day process.
Since your liver performs well over 500 functions, that’s 500+ ways you may potentially feel and look better, when you first prep, with an appropriate diet and some excellent, easy protocol — and then flush your liver!
After you do the program once, for 26 days (the whole program helps you discover any food sensitivities), you can do an abbreviated version of the program, twice a year, to “get it done” in under two weeks.
John and I detox twice a year, without fail, and feel AMAZING after we do.
Those Tiny Exposures DO Add Up …
Yes, your organs of elimination are designed to eliminate both “normal” environmental toxins and those produced naturally in our bodies. But they are not built to eliminate the enormous number of poisonous substances we encounter (yes, mostly in tiny amounts), in today’s food, air, water, and toxic personal care, yard care, home cleaning, industrial products, and other areas.
I won’t attempt to cover all the types of toxins in this post. There’s the effect of one toxin on your body, which is sometimes well researched, and a known quantity. And there’s the aggregating effect, of the buildup in organs and tissues. (Your body can’t keep up, and toxins accumulate.)
And thirdly, there’s the unknown: the compounding effect of so many different types of toxins interacting in your body.
I’ve found that most people who follow me are aware of some, if not most, of the toxins. Facebook demographics tell me that my audience is far more educated than average. Many of those who follow GreenSmoothieGirl are doctors and nurses, health coaches, and people with advanced degrees.
(Out in the world, it’s a different story. In a restaurant last week, I asked the waitress if she had any organic options, and she asked what “organic” meant!)
(And, side note: typical med school training currently averages less than 5 hours of nutrition education per year, most of which pertains to biochemistry, not garden-fresh food. So unless doctors do independent research to educate themselves about healthy whole-food eating, I’m skeptical of the quality of their dietary advice.)
In any case, those small exposures pile up over time, severely clogging and overworking your organs of elimination, and eventually rendering them dysfunctional. Then any number of symptoms show up.
That’s your “divine tap on the shoulder,” suggesting it’s time to make some lifestyle changes. My own health catastrophe, in my late 20s was, ironically, one of the best things that ever happened to me. I stopped watching TV, and started learning, about how my body works and how to clean it up.
And taking that road less traveled, as Dr. Scott Peck famously said, has made all the difference. It made me do things that needed to be done anyway, to live a healthy and happy life … instead of finding myself accumulating symptoms and chronic conditions and prescriptions, in my mid-50s.
The GreenSmoothieGirl 26-Day Detox: We’ve Got Your Back!
Since the medical system has no way to earn any income teaching patients healthier ways to eat (there’s no insurance code to bill for!), or to detoxify when their “toxic body burden” becomes too high —
— we have to look to scientific methods with a great track record outside what we call “traditional” medicine. (What people call “traditional” medicine is actually only about 100 years old, and not “traditional” at all, having barged onto the scene after Rockefeller discovered we could produce countless drugs out of petrochemicals.)
When I found myself very ill after my flu vaccine in 1995, and not getting well for years, I studied the works of Drs. Bernard Jensen, Max Gerson, Richard Anderson, Ann Wigmore, and many others — though those four made the most powerful impact on my life, and are the primary influences on my own work.
First I got myself well, then I tested a full detoxification protocol on 30 people.
Then I developed a robust, supported program, including fabulous health coaches, who do the program twice a year for years now, themselves. (There’s getting well, and then there’s staying well, right?)
Together we have now coached 18,000 people through the detox process over the last 9 years, through 8 editions of the program.
The GreenSmoothieGirl Detox Manual highlights each category of toxin that people in the Western world encounter or ingest every day, including those who go out of their way to eat organic, and even those who grow their own food.
It tells you exactly what to eat, every day, giving you recipes and shopping lists. It tells you the WHY of each easy (but new-to-you) protocol, to optimize the elimination from your body, forever, of hundreds of different toxins.
Check Out My Free Detox Masterclass
If you'd like to skip the diet this New Year’s and instead focus on decreasing your toxic body burden, which leads to countless symptoms and “dis-ease” states (wherein weight loss is just one of the many amazing side benefits), watch my 4-video masterclass.
It summarizes my 25 years of work in first getting myself well and then helping others reduce the toxicity that their systems of elimination have to contend with.
You may be nervous about detoxing. I was! I was so very sick, and the mother of two little ones, that I was scared that detoxing would make me entirely incapacitated! Imagine my shock when I finally took the plunge, and felt radically better than I ever had, my whole life, in a matter of days!
So, if you’re not ready to join as many as 1,000 new detoxers who add to our big group of veteran detoxers, every January — but you want to learn the “reader’s digest” version of my 25 years of research on the subject of human detoxification —
— watch my free, short 4-video class, and learn a bit. It’ll be the most important stuff you’ve learned this year, I promise. And who knows, you might just get over your fear of doing something new! Because once we know better, we do better.
Thank you for supporting my work on Substack, especially those of you who find so much value here that you subscribe for $10/month. We love our work in helping people shift to a whole-foods diet, and detoxify. Even more, since Dec. 2020, as 230M Americans have gotten between one and four very toxic pharma injections, and many of them are seeking help in getting well, the DIY way. We love helping people discover ways to take responsibility for their own health. And, please assume that some of the links I may share, compensate my small business.