I’m sure you’ve noticed--that health insurance keeps getting both worse, and at the same time more expensive.
What to do about it? I’ve wondered this for many years. I’ve written Facebook posts, asking for opinions. After my own traditional health insurance got crazy expensive.
I went to Christian Ministries, some years ago. Which I haven’t tried to use, except once, and got about 10% reimbursement.
I’ve always wished that I could be in some kind of health insurance with other people who are health conscious. People who eat right, exercise, and use strategies other than pharma.
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Freedom-loving people willing to take responsibility for themselves, as well as serve others.
If you’ve had the same thought, I think you’ll enjoy my recent podcast episode:
I interviewed Andy Schoonover, the CEO of Crowd Health—a company with an absolutely amazing concept.
They’re 4 years old, financially stable, and have paid 100% of all but 6 of the 10,000 medical bills that have been submitted to them in that time!
You’re “crowd funding” the healthcare needs of the 10,000 members. (Growing by 400 to 500 members per month.)
You’re assigned an advocate--just one person at a small company, to get your bills paid. Skipping the mountains of paperwork and endless phone calls.
(This is all too real to me right now, as John and I were rear ended 6 months ago by someone texting and driving. I’ve filled out at least 100 pieces of paper.
Today I go to an “independent medical examiner” who is anything but independent, and my chiropractors and lawyer say her entire job is to write a report saying I don’t need care any more. Either because I’m too healthy, or my condition predated the accident.)
And while there’s no “network,” you just go to the providers you choose—Crowd Health often negotiates surgeries and other healthcare needs, for a discount, versus the rate insurance companies pay.
(Andy Schoonover told us that insurance companies cannot take more than 15% of medical bills—so, there’s an incentive for them to WANT your medical bills to be high! There are several middlemen organizations that make the cost of your medical care 100x more expensive than it should be.)
Crowd Health’s ratings online are amazing. (Blue Cross & Blue Shield, and the like, though—their ratings are terrible!)
Andy also told us that nationwide, only 1.4% of women do childbirth at home—but Crowd Health members are 40% home birthers!
(I did not have my four babies at home. However, if I knew then what I know now, that’s what I’d do!)
That gives you an idea of the demographic of people joining up for crowd-funding healthcare.
We are all affected by the insurance industry, and we talked a bit about auto, home and flood insurance as well. So I think you’ll be glad you listened to this podcast episode, with Crowd Health’s CEO!
After three conversations with Crowd Health (I ask hard questions!), both my assistant and I finally joined last week–
--especially when Andy surprised me during the class, by offering us all a screaming discounted deal on our first 3 months, using the coupon code ROBYN here:
We are their newest members, and I am very excited to tell you about it, because I believe in the concept of loving your neighbor.
If we all did this, we wouldn’t need a welfare state.
You can choose to decline or accept the once-a-month requests for members in the network. (I love that, because maybe sometimes you can, but sometimes you can’t.)
Even if I say YES and contribute every single month, my cost is only slightly more than with Christian Ministries, where the one and only time I made a claim in 8 years, I got very little reimbursement.
Get this: 97% in the network choose to say YES each month. How awesome is that?
But it’s not just the selflessness of the members—because if you often say yes, then when YOU are the one who needs healthcare—guess what, YOU get a yes, too!
After the past two weeks of filling out 100 forms, and talking to 6 people 20 times so far at Allstate and Progressive after our car accident that has both John and me seeing chiropractors for whiplash—
--it sounds completely amazing to have ONE point of contact, and 100% of my bills covered, quickly. Paid for, not reimbursed.
If you’ve been a giver in the past, you get a “green light” when you have a healthcare need of your own. And 99.9% of the time, they pay your bills. Andy explains why 6 of the 10,000 medical bills weren’t fully funded.
I love that freedom-oriented people are coming together in a community to cover each other’s healthcare--with those who can paying for those who are in need.
That’s just a great concept we’ve gotten far away from, as we expect government to “do it all”—and, government tends not to do things as well, and not affordably, either.
One caveat: currently, due to Medicare law, you aren’t covered by Crowd Health after age 65. They are working on it being a rider, or supplemental insurance eventually.
I hope you enjoy the podcast episode. Make sure to subscribe to my show, Vibe, on iTunes, if you haven’t already.
And subscribe to GreenSmoothieGirl on YouTube. (Though my content on covid and cancer has all been taken down by the platform.)
1. How the economy is rapidly moving to the blockchain
2. How this aids you in shifting some of your savings out of the depreciating dollar, and into better “store of value” assets
3. Cryptocurrencies (YES I like a few of them, and we cover the rapidly evolving current events, but I wouldn’t invest in 99%+ of them)
4. Preparedness topics as we head into major economic downturn—the markets are euphoric after the Trump win but we still have to face the “lag effect” of all the actions of the last 4 years, including covid and war massive money printing—
--that money printing and war is rapidly debasing the dollar and we are now $36 TRILLION in debt, so there’s likely a deep recession ahead of us Trump inherits.
If you haven’t joined and would like to, here’s a link to get B2G1 (a free month), plus use the coupon code ROBYN for an extra $50 off. For sure read what our students have to say here, and this was BEFORE their Bitcoin went to $94K!
We DO want beginners and take beginner questions all the time!
(And we’ll see you every Wednesday. First, get in your membership site and watch our multimedia video series to get up to speed on what blockchain is, and why it’s so important you learn about this early, rather than late!)
Thank you for your support of this blog! I hope you found value in this review of a crowd-funded concept to replace the need for health insurance in your life.
Sounds great but its not for just anyone.
Smokers and anyone over 220/260# (female/male) need not apply :-(
Is there a link to the podcast with Andy Schoonover? Thanks!